General Terms and Conditions for renting a motor vehicle

FRESH RENT A CAR is the trade name of PAN-88C EOOD 

PAN-88C EOOD, in its capacity of Landlord, rents a car / motor vehicle / to the Lessee, against payment of remuneration, under the following General Terms and Conditions:

Mandatory documents for renting a car and leaving Bulgaria: 

1. The lessee is obliged to present a valid driving license (internationally) and a blue ticket (for Bulgarian citizens), issued at least 3 years before the date of rental.

2. The lessee is obliged to present identity documents (identity card or passport valid until the end of the lease term).

3. The minimum age for renting a car without additional charge is 21 years.

4. Tenants between 18 and 21 years of age shall pay additionally:

– “Young driver” fee, which is 5 euros for each rental day;

– Full Coverage fee, according to car class;

5. Luxury classes and SUVs can be rented only by persons over 25 years of age and over 3 years of age. Driving experience

2. Rent a car and go outside Bulgaria

Renting a car and going abroad is possible under the following conditions:

1. The renter is obliged to provide information when renting the car which countries he wishes to visit.

2. A one-off fee of EUR 60 shall be charged.

3. The “Full Coverage” fee is mandatory!

4. Going abroad is done only with the permission of “PAN-88C” Ltd. All attempts to leave the country illegally will be charged as a violation of the Company’s Terms of Lease with the amount of the deposit.

I. Transmission and Reception

1.1. The minimum term for renting a car is 24 hours and it is rented to the Lessee in good condition, with the mandatory equipment and documents required by the traffic police, reflected in a bilaterally signed Handover Protocol / hereinafter referred to as PPP / , which is an integral part of the Lease Agreement, under which the return of the car takes place. The lessee is obliged to return the car with all documents and accessories handed over to him, within the agreed time and place, in the same condition in which it was provided to him, according to the PPP.

1.2. In case of possible planned or unforeseen non-observance of the term of return of the car by the Lessee, he is obliged to notify the Landlord not later than the agreed time of return. For a delay longer than 120 minutes, the Lessee owes a penalty in the amount of the daily rental price of the car, according to the agreed tariff of the Lease Agreement.

1.3. Non-fulfillment of the obligation to return the vehicle by the Lessee for more than two days without notifying the Lessor is considered misappropriation within the meaning of the Penal Code and the Lessor notifies the competent authorities, reserving all rights under this Agreement.

1.4. In carrying out the hypothesis of item 1.3. above, the Lessor has the right to withhold the guarantee deposit paid by the Lessee upon concluding the Lease Agreement.

II. Car reservation made through the lessor’s online platform

2.1. The tenant makes a reservation through the online platform of “PAN-88C” Ltd., on the Internet address: .

2.2. Online booking is done in the following few steps:

2.2.1. Step №1 – The renter chooses the type of car, place and date of rental of the car, as well as place and date of its return;

2.2.2. Step №2 – At the discretion of the Lessee may choose one of the additional options for the use of the car, presented by the Lessor;

2.2.3. Step №3 – The Lessee provides data necessary for its identification, for processing the application, for confirmation of its acceptance by the Landlord, as well as for contact with the Lessee. All necessary data are collected in accordance with the Law.

2.2.4. After following the steps described above, the Lessee must agree to these General Terms and Conditions and confirm the reservation by pressing the “Confirm” button.

III. Cancellation

3.1. Cancellation is made by sending a notice to the e-mail specified by the Landlord –

3.2. The reservation can be canceled by the Lessee three days before the rental date chosen by him, in which case the entire amount paid by the Lessee is refunded.

3.3. If a cancellation is made two days before the date chosen by the Lessee for renting the car, 50% of the amount paid will be refunded.

3.4. In case of cancellation of a reservation one day before the date chosen by the Lessee for renting the car, the Lessor does not owe the Lessee a refund of the amount paid by him.

IV. Damages, Losses, Thefts and Others

4.1. In case of any damage, loss or theft of the car or parts of it, including, but not limited to, fire or broken glass, resulting from the fault of the Lessee, the latter undertakes to pay the Lessor compensation in the amount of 150.00 euros for any damaged detail, including the cost of renting the replacement car, the cost of returning, lost profits and rent.

4.2. The Lessor’s liability may be limited upon payment and acceptance of additional fees “Super Tax on Damage to the Car” / SCDW / and Super Tax on Theft / STPW /, certified and determined upon signing the Contract, which are not refundable. Upon payment of these fees, the liability of the Lessee is reduced to the amount of these fees, except for the cases under point 7.5. of these General Terms and Conditions. Super insurance does not cover, respectively can not insure the Landlord in the following cases: loss of keys, car documents, damage, loss or theft of vehicle registration number, loss or damage of wipers, windows and damage to the chassis of the car as a result of his unscrupulous exploitation by the Lessee, respectively a person related to him, damage to tires, rims, rims / when not caused by fire or accident, established by a protocol of the police /, damage as a result of using vehicles in accordance with the prohibitions of item 7.5. Acceptance of the Super Insurance does not release the Lessee from his obligation to receive and provide to PAN-88C EOOD a protocol from the police in case of theft or damage, as described in detail in item 7.1.3. Otherwise, the Lessee undertakes to pay compensation in the amount of EUR 150.00 for each damaged part. EOOD police report in case of theft or damage, as described in detail in item 7.1.3. Otherwise, the Tenant undertakes to pay compensation in the amount of EUR 150.00 for each damaged part. EOOD police report in case of theft or damage, as described in detail in item 7.1.3. Otherwise, the Tenant undertakes to pay compensation in the amount of EUR 150.00 for each damaged part.

4.3. Liability in respect of damages caused by third parties, if caused by the Lessee, is assumed by the Civil Liability Insurance up to its limit, except for the cases referred to in items 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 of these General Only in the presence of a valid recourse claim from the insurer within the meaning of Article 19 of the Ordinance on Compulsory Insurance, this responsibility is assumed by the Lessee.

4.4. In case the navigation system is stolen or lost, the Lessee is obliged to pay a fine of 200.00 euros.

4.5. In case the documents, keys, license plates of the rented car are stolen or lost, the Lessee is obliged to pay a fine of 300.00 euros

4.6. In case a ticket for access and / or a card for access to the public parking lot at Sofia Airport, Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas is lost, the Tenant is obliged to pay a fine of 100.00 euros.

4.7. In case of an accident with the car, an administrative fee of EUR 50.00 is due, regardless of whose fault the accident occurred.

V. Prices and method of payment

5.1. With his signature on the Contract upon receipt of the car, the Lessee undertakes to pay the final amount of the Contract, which is the sum of the amounts specified in detail in the Lease Agreement, by means of payment approved by the Lessor / credit cards, debit cards, bank transfer, number.

5.1.1. Online payments are made by credit / debit card through a licensed banking institution – Unicredit Bulbank AD.

5.2. The Lessee is obliged to pay to the Lessor:

5.2.1. Rent per day and fees CDW, TPW and / if accepted / SCDW and STPW to limit liability in case of damage and / or theft of the car and all additional services mentioned on the rental agreement;

5.2.2. All additional fees from one-way rentals / rent, with the return of the car to an office other than the rental office /, if any. When leaving the car in a place other than previously agreed, a collection fee is charged, determined by the Lessor;

5.2.3. All fees and fines for improper parking and non-compliance with the Road Traffic Act relating to the car and the relevant rental period, as well as an administrative fee of 30.00 euros;

5.2.4. The expenses of the Landlord, including officially incurred expenses, permitted by law, incurred in collecting the amounts due from the Lessee;

5.2.5. The value of missing fuel in the respective liters, calculated at EUR 3.60 per liter.

5.2.6. Applicable fees and VAT.

5.3. The Lessee is obliged to pay a guarantee deposit in the amount specified in the Tariff upon signing the Contract. After returning the car in good condition, according to the PPP, the deposit is refunded within 14 working days from the date of return of the car. If minor defects or damages are found in the PPP, as well as in case the car is returned without fuel or with less than agreed in the PPP, the corresponding value is deducted from the deposit, and the rest, if any, is refunded.

5.3.1. The security deposit can be paid through the procedure of purchase and cancellation of purchase by debit card and credit card. After returning the car in good condition, according to the PPP, the deposit is refunded by canceling the purchase.

VI. Liability of the Landlord

6.1. The landlord is liable for damages resulting from a technical malfunction of the provided car, established by an independent auto technical expertise.

6.2. The Lessor is obliged to provide the Lessee with a replacement car for the period for which the Contract for renting the defective car has been concluded.

6.3. In case of non-performance within the meaning of this Lease Agreement by the Lessee, the Landlord has the right to take all legal action to terminate the use of the property by the Lessee.

VII. Obligations and responsibilities of the Lessee

7.1. The tenant is obliged to:

7.1.1. To use the car for its intended purpose, to manage it with the care of a good owner and keep it clean;

7.1.2. In the event of an accident, damage or injury to take all necessary measures to rescue, limit and / or reduce the damage to the rented vehicle;

7.1.3. In case of theft, accident or damage to the vehicle, other than minor incidents, comply with the requirements of the PIA and the Regulations for its application regarding the mandatory receipt of a protocol from the police and other documents. Within twelve hours from the occurrence of the damage / theft, the Lessee should notify the Lessor, disclosing all facts, circumstances and data related to it, as well as provide full assistance to the Lessor and the insurance company to clarify the incident and the caused damage.

7.2. The Lessee undertakes to respect the interests of the Lessor and the insurance company in case of accident or theft such as:

7.2.1. Provides the names and addresses of participants and witnesses;

7.2.2. Does not transfer responsibility or blame and does not provide funds to people involved in accidents;

7.2.3. Do not leave the car without the necessary precautions from the point of view of its safety;

7.2.4. To notify the nearest office of “PAN-88C” EOOD by phone, even in case of a minor accident and to fill in all the necessary documents of the Landlord within 12 hours;

7.2.5. To inform the police immediately if the fault of another participant in the accident or if there is an injured person is to be established;

7.2.6. Make sure that when no one is in the car, it is locked and that the keys and documents of the car are stored in the Lessee.

7.3. The tenant is not entitled to:

7.3.1. To use the car for towing another vehicle or trailer, for racing purposes, sports events, trainings, drills, tests, carrying large, bulk or other loads.

7.3.2. To drive while intoxicated or after using drugs or narcotics;

7.3.3. To drive the vehicle off the road / marking;

7.3.4. To smoke in the car he rented;

7.3.5. To provide the driving of the car to a person not authorized by the Lessor;

7.3.6. To use the rented vehicle for transportation of goods prohibited by the Customs Act and for any kind of illegal actions;

7.3.7. To drive the car outside the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, except in cases where it is explicitly authorized by the Landlord and has previously paid all necessary fees and insurance abroad. For each unauthorized crossing of the border, the Lessee is obliged to pay a fine of 300.00 euros.

7.3.8. To carry out unauthorized repairs of the car;

7.3.9. To transfer the rights and obligations under this Agreement to a third party, unless approved in advance by the Lessor, as the data of the approved person are recorded in the Agreement.

7.4. The Lessee must hold a regular Driving License valid for more than one year, but not less than the term of the Lease Agreement, who has reached the age of twenty-one and has been behind the wheel for one year.

7.5. In case the Lessee does not comply with the restrictive conditions under these points and this causes harmful consequences for the car, respectively its owner and / or partial damages or claims of third parties to the Lessor, the Lessee owes security to the Lessor in the amount determined by the property a person / specialist / who should be appointed to prepare an independent expertise to certify the damages and their value. Violation of the clauses of item 7.1.-7.4., As a result of which damages have been caused, excludes the limited liability referred to in clause 4.2 and the Lessee owes full compensation.

7.6. In case of unscrupulous operation by the Lessee, or a person related to him, if the car is returned in extremely dirty condition, the Lessee is obliged to pay a fine of 72.00 euros.

7.7. Smoking in cars is absolutely prohibited, in case of violation by the Landlord, the Lessee is obliged to pay a fine of 150.00 euros.

7.8. By signing the Lease Agreement, the Lessee confirms that he has been provided with information in accordance with Art. 19, para. 1 of the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), he is aware that the provision of his personal data is voluntary, as well as that he is aware of his rights under the LPPD and gives his unconditional consent to his personal data to be collected, processed and transferred to third parties for the purposes of concluding and managing the Contract, in compliance with the requirements of the current Bulgarian legislation.

VIII. Consumer disputes

8.1. According to the Consumer Protection Act (CPA), in case of violation of their rights, consumers have the right to submit complaints, signals and proposals to the control bodies performing consumer protection functions.

8.1.1. Complaints, signals and proposals shall be submitted in writing on paper or electronically to the Consumer Protection Commission.

8.1.2. The telephone number and address for contact with the Consumer Protection Commission are as follows:

– address: gr. Sofia, pl. “Slaveykov” No. 4A, fl. 3, 4 and 6

– Tel: 02/933 05 65;

– fax: 02/988 42 18;

– hotline: 0700 111 22;

– web site: .

8.2. Consumer disputes can also be resolved through the procedures for alternative resolution of national and cross-border disputes, regulated in Chapter Nine, Section II of the Consumer Protection Act. Alternative Dispute Resolution Authority (ADR Authority) is any body, regardless of its name, that is established, carries out permanent activities in ADR and is included in the list of bodies recognized as ADR bodies in the territory of Republic of Bulgaria, approved by order of the Minister of Economy.

8.3. The Minister of Economy establishes general and sectoral conciliation commissions at the Consumer Protection Commission, which are bodies for alternative resolution of consumer disputes and meet the requirements of Section II of the CPA. In case of a dispute, the consumer should take it directly to the trader and the parties should try to resolve it among themselves. Where the parties have not resolved the dispute between them, the consumer may refer the matter to the general or sectoral conciliation commissions, depending on the subject matter of the dispute. The referral is done by submitting an application in writing to the Consumer Protection Commission, which administers the activities of the general and sectoral conciliation commissions.

IX. Payment disputes

9.1. Pursuant to the Payment Services and Means of Payment Act (PDPA), each Payment Service Provider, within the meaning of the law, is obliged within its internal rules to provide for a procedure for filing complaints, resolving disputes and determining compensation in connection with the provision of payment services.

9.2. In the event of an unresolved dispute with the Payment Service Provider, the Payment Service User may contact the Payment Disputes Conciliation Commission of the Consumer Protection Commission.

9.2.1. Conciliation proceedings begin with the submission of an application to the commission. The application is submitted in writing, as well as by e-mail or online through the website of the Consumer Protection Commission.

9.2.1. Conciliation proceedings are conducted in accordance with Chapter Ten “Alternative Dispute Resolution” of the Law on Dispute Resolution, and the provisions of Chapter Nine, Section II of the Consumer Protection Act apply to unsettled issues of the Commission’s activities as an alternative dispute resolution body.

All prices are in euros and include 20% VAT.